Goriachinsk 2010, Programme Scientifique

Goriachinsk 2010, Programme Scientifique


Passé, Présent et Avenir des marmottes d'Eurasie et aspects écologiques de la dispersion des marmottes dans la région du Baikal - Résumés de la 10ème Réunion Internationale des pays de la CEI sur les Marmottes (Goryachinsk, République de Bouryatie, Russie, 22-27 Août, 2010). - Ulan-Udé : Publishing house of Buryat Scientific Center SD RAS, 2010. 68 pp.
 ISBN5 - 90305607 - 5

 Ce volume contient les communications présentées à la 10ème Réunion Internationale des pays de la CEI sur les marmottes. Les résumés réunissent de larges aspects de la biologie, de l'écologie et de l'évolution des marmottes, des problèmes liés à leur élevage, l'état actuel de leurs populations, de la conservation et de la gestion rationnelle des ressources de marmottes.
 Ce volume s'adresse à un large cercle de mammalogistes, de spécialistes travaillant sur la conservation et l'utilisation rationnelle de la nature, de naturalistes et autres.
Comité Editorial :
B.B. Badmaev (editeur en chef), O.V. Brandler, M.A. Erbajeva.
L'auteur du logo de la Commission est V.V. Kolesnikov.
 La publication de ce volume a été financée par la Fondation Russe pour la Recherche de Base (RFBR).
Extraits de la préface du volume de Résumés

The main themes of Meeting - "Past, Present and Future of Eurasian marmots and the ecological aspects of the marmot dispersal in the Baikalian region" proposed to discuss broad scope both the theoretical problems related to study of marmots and the problems at the regional level having also practical meaning. The materials sent to Meeting correspond in whole to such division, and their geography was out of only the frame of CIS countries and the present issue consists also from the abstracts of the specialists from France, Italy, Nepal and USA.
  As traditional themes of Meeting some abstracts relate to the territorial distribution and current state of marmot number as the basis for the different species protection and rational management, and for constant monitoring of the epizootic situations within natural sources of the plague; marmot breeding in captivity allowed to elucidate the mechanisms of the relationships of individuals and their successful reproduction, to study nutrition in the whole and the requirements in necessary elements in particular. The results of the investigations of the demographic structure of the marmot localities and regularities of its change, the natural and anthropogenic factors effecting on them are presented; the prognostic models to restore the marmot resources basing on previously obtained knowledge have been proposed.
  The problem of marmot fauna biodiversity conservation exert the investigations of the taxonomic status, the hybridization and the speciation of marmots by the morphological, acoustic, molecular, genetic and other methods. The important role in marmot protection may play a new approach relate to the creation of marmot image in the human society which learn to be tolerant or sympathetic to these animals, the creation of the social structures, members of which unite by their relation to marmots, including by keeping the marmots under home conditions. From the next side, the presentations relate to marmot reintroduction aiming to restore their lost localities are getting few.

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Galerie des intervenants
Les photos prises par tous les participants sont les bienvenues, pour illustrer les galeries ci-dessous. Pour les envoyer, prendre contact avec Michel Le Berre ou Raymond Ramousse (E-mails dans le volume de rà©sumà©s)

Présentations faites durant cette réunion

 Ci-dessous, liste des fichiers de présentation réalisées durant la réunion. Vous pouvez choisir un lien, soit pour télécharger la présentation originale zippée, soit pour la consulter en ligne, au format flash.

1er AuteurTitre de la presentationZipFlash
Badmaev B.The differences of Transbaikalian marmots in relation to the altitudinal zonality display...
Belovezhets K.The temperature regimen of the hibernation of the ground-dwelling sciurids in the aspects of the latitudinal zonality.
Brandler O.Status of Mongolia marmot populations in the different parts of their distribution area.
Brandler O.Comments about research on marmots in the seminars of the Marmot Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences (section T).
Dimitriev A.About ethnosocial marmotology.
Dimitriev A.Materials for classification of teaching on marmots.
Erbaeva M.A.Holarctic marmots, past and present: checklist and distribution.
Fedoseeva G.A.About technological process in marmot bobak breeding.
Kapitonov V.I.The current state of the localities of the baibak (Marmota bobac) in Republic of Udmurtia
Karpukhina S.Y.The spatial distribution and hybridizationof tarbagan and Altai marmot in the zone of the secondary contact in Mongolian Altai.
Khenzikhenova F.I.The marmot from the late Pleistocene-Holocene localities of the occurence in the Baikalian region.
Kolesnikov V.V.On the possibilities to restore the ressources of the marmots in Mongolia.
Mashkin V.I.Past, present and future of the marmots in Russia.
Nikolskii A.A.The dichotomy of the sound signal in the marmots of Eurasia.
Ramousse R.Crashes in an Alpine marmot population in Central Massif (France)
Shchepin S.G.The reintroduction perspectives of the tarbagan in Buryatia.
Tokarskii V.A.Comparative analysis of the reproductive potential of marmots.
Tokarskii V.A.Title not available.
Ushakova M.C.The protection of tarbagan population in the regional zakaznik Mountain Steppe.
Ulak A.The Himalayan marmot in the anthropogenic landscapes of Nepal

Nous sommes le 23-10-2024, et il est 22:15

Citation : Réseau Marmottes International - Goriachinsk 2010, Programme Scientifique - ACsci2010.php -
© 2024, CDD, Le Berre M., Ramousse R.. Dernière modification le 21-06-2019 11:58:06