Bibliographic Search Engine

Ramousse R.

The database Bibliographia Marmotarum hosts 11522 scientific and cultural references related to the different Marmots of the World, including 2749 with an abstract, and 3687 with full text or significant quotations.

The last reference entered, in Bibliographia Marmotarum:
Arcelin Adrien, 1880
L'ancienneté de l'homme dans la vallée de la Saône.

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If you know references missing in this database, or full text files (pdf), be kind enough to send them to this address.

Citation: International Marmot Network - BIBLIOGRAPHIA MARMOTARUM - BMrecherche2.php -
© 2024, CDD, Le Berre M., Ramousse R.. Last modification: 2019-06-21 11:58:06