Groundhog Day is a popular holyday, mainly celebrated in United States and Canada. It is also a World Day celebrated by every people more or less concerned in their work or in their life by the marmots.
This holyday takes place every year on February 2nd, which is Candlemas day for the western churches.
According to this tradition, a marmot who will leave his burrow on that day and which could see his shadow, would run back rapidly, the omen meaning that winter will last 6 more weeks and that it is really time to resume hibernation.
The most important manifestations take place at Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania (USA). They are known since 1993for their important social events with a strong mercantile component (marmots as a part of the market).
The origin of this tradition corresponds to the transposition of a germanic tradition, imported in North America during the 18-19th century. At the origin, the hero of the feast was either a badger, or a bear. Beginning of February corresponds to the middle of winter in the northern hemisphere and it is not surprising that people were concerned at that time of the duration of winter, with empirical forecasting methods.
This tradition being scattered in the world of marmotologists, we are pleased to publish in this page, the different
messages that we hope receive at this occasion.